Plan Data Intelligence

Quickly and accurately identify new client relationship opportunities

Technical Research

Plan Data Intelligence

Plan Data Intelligence

Watch our short introduction video on this powerful tool

The Plan Data Intelligence ReSource offers a powerful and very valuable data mining tool. We offer searching Form 5500 data, similarly as do other products; however, we also offer the ability to search the 5500 Filing attachments. This allows a fast full-text search of over 2.0 million pages of form attachments. It also includes verified email addresses for plan sponsors.

  • Customize your analysis by categories such as: Location, Plan Type, Sponsor Type, Asset Range, Participant Count, Average Participant Account Balance and hundreds of other criteria.
  • Create highly customized emails using Generative AI based on the benchmarking KPIs you select.
  • Search by TPA/Recordkeeper for most of the large recordkeepers and many TPAs.
  • Prepare concise summaries of plan features and documents using custom data.
  • Gather insight and information from the 5500 filing as well as look into the details inside the plan.
  • State-of-art, user-friendly interface giving you access and insight into the database rich with opportunities.
  • An operational Benchmark Report is also available on ERISApedia’s Plan Data Intelligence prospecting tool for no addtional cost. See Plan Data Benchmark ReSource for more information.

Plan Data Benchmark

Plan Data Benchmark Dashboard

Watch our short demo of our operational benchmark reports

The ERISApedia Plan Data Benchmark ReSource compares a given plan to its peer group and provides useful planning tips based on benchmark results and other plan characteristics.

  • Provides comparisons to the plan’s peer group based on industry type and plan size
  • Create your own custom peer group based on selection criteria
  • The database currently includes 176 peer groups (updated monthly)
  • Download a Sample Benchmark Report
  • Download a Sample Plan Report
Report Design and Customization
  • Reports include comparisons to eight highly relevant metrics
  • Reports are customizable by selecting color scheme and uploading logo (requires two-user subscription)
  • The report is delivered as a Microsoft Word file so the report may be further customized after it is generated
  • Once generated, the report is generated automatically and downloaded in seconds
  • Batch process Benchmark Reports
  • We will customize your report based on your logo and preferred color scheme
  • Export Benchmark Reports to your sponsor portal (if your portal vendor has the capability)

ForceManager 5500

ERISApedia has been selected as the exclusive data provider for ForceManager 5500. ForceManager 5500 is the first Sales Enablement tool to combine plan data intelligence with a robust CRM. ForceManager 5500 makes it possible to analyze, search, and visualize geolocated plan sponsors from within the CRM, for a better prospecting experience. ForceManager 5500, with its lower price points is a perfect complement to ERISApedia’s premium product, Plan Data Intelligence. Plan Data Intelligence provides state-of-the-art search capabilities with best-in-class operational benchmark reporting.