Technical Research for ERISA Pros

Thorough, accessible information at your fingertips

We offer a 10 day free trial on these compliance resources.

Technical Research
Author: Ilene H. Ferenczy, J.D., CPC, APA

Read Ilene’s Bio

Qualified Plan eSource

A complete treatise for ERISA professionals working with defined contribution plans.

The Qualified Plan eSource, written by nationally-recognized ERISA attorney Ilene H. Ferenczy, J.D., CPC, APA, provides answers in an easy-to-read and easy-to-search format with direct links to the government source materials.

Ask the Author

Receive personalized help for all of your tough compliance questions in four business hours or less from noted author and speaker S. Derrin Watson, J.D. No endless email strings – responses by email or phone.

Derrin Watson
Author: S. Derrin Watson, J.D.

Read Derrin’s Bio

Derrin Watson
Author: S. Derrin Watson, J.D.

Read Derrin’s Bio

Who’s The Employer eSource 8th Ed.

Employee and employer issues affecting US retirement plans.

Who's the Employer, authored by S. Derrin Watson, J.D. has long been the leading source of information and analysis about employee and employer issues affecting US retirement plans. Clear, easy-to-understand language and thorough presentation of the law makes it a pleasure to read, as well as an essential reference for plan administrators, staffing firms, and human resource departments.

The 8th Edition contains over 30% new material including:

  • Detailed explanation of how employer and employee status impact testing Analysis of new IRS, DOL, and congressional rules for multiple employer plans
  • A chapter showing the impact of related employers on 401(k) plans
  • Dozens of new examples Full chapters on nondiscrimination, predecessor employers, and QSLOBs
  • More detailed discussion of the consequences of related employer status

Plan Distribution eSource

The Who, When, and How Much of Plan Disbursements

The Plan Distribution eSource, written by S. Derrin Watson, J.D addresses everything related to distributions including an entire chapter that walks the reader through the maze of 1099-R reporting. Like all of Derrin’s books, this title is chock full of practical examples.

Derrin Watson
Author: S. Derrin Watson, J.D.

Read Derrin’s Bio

Lorraine Dorsa
Author: Lorraine Dorsa, FCA, MAAA, MSPA, EA, CEBS

Read Lorraine’s Bio

Defined Benefit/Cash Balance eSource

A must-have eBook for ERISA professionals working with traditional and cash balance defined benefit plans.

Written by Lorraine Dorsa, FCA, MAAA, MSPA, EA, CEBS, this comprehensive treatise covers all aspects of traditional and cash balance DB plans and is written to be accessible for all whether you are a novice or expert.

Plan Corrections eSource

A complete guide to fixing boo-boos

The Plan Corrections eSource, written by Alison J. Cohen, J.D., Ilene H. Ferenczy, J.D., CPC, APA, and S. Derrin Watson, J.D., addresses all the common and not-so-common retirement plan blunders and provides step-by-step instructions for making things right again. From overpayments to missed deferrals, from late deferrals to late returns, from self-correction to VCP to audit CAP, this eSource will walk you through the available corrections with practical suggestions.

Alison Cohen
Author: Alison J. Cohen, J.D.

Read Alison’s Bio

Derrin Watson
Author: S. Derrin Watson, J.D.

Read Derrin’s Bio

Ilene H. Ferenczy
Author: Ilene H. Ferenczy, J.D., CPC, APA

Read Ilene’s Bio

Timothy McCutcheon
Author: Timothy McCutcheon, J.D., CPA, MBA

Read Tim’s Bio

Form 5500 eSource

A complete guide to Form 5500 preparation

Written by industry expert and 5500 software pioneer Timothy McCutcheon, J.D., CPA, MBA, this guide provides analysis with full explanations in an easy-to-read format. Avoid rejected filings by having access to over 1,000 data element format specifications and over 400 edit checks.

Derrin Watson
Author: S. Derrin Watson, J.D.

Read Derrin’s Bio

403(b) Plan eSource

An essential reference for professionals who work with 403(b) plans.

Written by noted attorney and industry expert S. Derrin Watson, J.D., APM, this guide offers in-depth explanations of the 403(b) rules written in clear, easy to understand language. With over 400 examples, this is the “go-to” resource for 403(b) professionals.

457 Plan eSource

A must-have reference for all things 457.

Written (again) by S. Derrin Watson, J.D., APM, this resource offers clear explanations of the 457 rules. Written in Darrin’s unique style, this eSource also contains numerous, helpful examples.

Derrin Watson
Author: S. Derrin Watson, J.D.

Read Derrin’s Bio

Charles Humphrey
Author: Charles Humphrey, J.D.

Read Charles’ Bio

Fiduciary Responsibility eSource

Nationally recognized ERISA attorney and former IRS and Labor Department attorney Charles Humphrey, J.D. puts advisors and plan sponsors in the driver’s seat with his new title which provides a guide to ERISA fiduciary responsibilities.

Government Source Materials

These resources have been selected by our editors to only include resources relevant to ERISA professionals.

These materials include the following: IRS, DOL, PBGC statutes, regulations and other guidance as well as Court cases. The site also includes searchable industry articles written by Ferenczy Benefits Law Center.

Timothy McCutcheon
Author: Timothy McCutcheon, J.D., CPA, MBA

Read Tim’s Bio

Derrin Watson
Author: S. Derrin Watson, J.D.

Read Derrin’s Bio

Ilene H. Ferenczy
Author: Ilene H. Ferenczy, J.D., CPC, APA

Read Ilene’s Bio